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B 37
K 35
Kennedy, P.
Vampire capitalism: fractured societies and alternative futures / Paul Kennedy. - London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. - XIV, 355 p. -Bibliogr.: p. 315-338 n b npuMen.- Ind.: p. 339-355.
25/1 9kh
240 c
K-36 Robert S’.Kennedy: Apostle of Change.
2 A Review of His Public Record With Analysis by Douglas Ross.-N.Y.: Pocket Books, 1968.-XXI, 600 p.-Index:p.595--600.
B 37-01; B37-8
K-36	Kennedy,Robert F.
Thirteen days.A memoir of the Cuban missile crisis.With introd.by R.S. McNamara and H.Macmillan. N.Y.,Norton, 1969.
224 p.,il. Index:p.220-224.
K-3&	Kennedy,Robert F.
To seek a newer world. N.Y.a.o. Bantam Books,1968.
XIX,235 p.
K-35 Kennedy center’s financial problems are serious. Wash.,GPQ,1980. vi,46 p. (By the Comptroller General of the U.S. Report to the Senate Comm, on environment and public works and to the subcomm, on public builings and grounds, House Comm, on public works and transportation).
ksp; //31/
OJ I pq «
35 Kennedy Thomas J.,Jr.
NATO politico-military consultation: sha ping alliance decisions. Wash., National Defense University Press,1984»
zvii,86 p. (National Security Affairs Monograph Series 84-3)«
B2; B37-612* ИЗО
B 37-532,1
K-36	The Kennedy years and the Negro.
A photographic record.Ed. by Doris E. Saunders-Introd,by Andrew T.Hatcher. Chicago,Johnson Publ,C°,1964.
XIII,143 p. Index:p.141-143,
1301 c
B 11
K-34 Kennell. Ruth Epperson
Theodore Dreiser & the Soviet Union 1927-1945. A First-Hand Chronicle.-N.Y.: International Publishers, 19&9.-32O p.-Index: p.317-320.
B 11
Kenneth P
nv *//22
The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment. USA, 1996
K 38
Specialized information centers Wash.,Spartan Books,1965.
290 p.
ДП	Kenworthy Lane.
Д 31 Social democratic America. - Oxford, Unk К 37	versity Press, 2014.-238р.
K-37 Keohane Robert 0.
The theory of hegemonic stability and changes in international economic regimes,1967-1977. University of Californina,Los Angeles, Center for International and Strategic Affairs,1930.
F 22^ P*’ (ACTS Working paper
rso; r£O', r2i3<S
Keohane R., Milner H.
Intdenationalization and Domestic Politics. USA, 1996
K-58 Kepner G.H. and Tregot B.B.
The rational manager.A systematic approach to problem solving and decision making. Ed. with an introduction by Perrin Stryker. N.Y.-L.,San Francisco, Toronto, , Sydney,McGraw-Hill Book Company,1965«
vi, 275 p. Index:pp.255-275.
B 22
K-39 de Kerckhove,Ferry
Les tactiques des conflits.
Quebec,Centre québécois de relations internationales,1972.
iii,99 p. (Notes de recherce №5).