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804 c
B 2
K-13 Kaiser, Karl
German Foreign Policy in Transition Bonn Between East & West.-L.: Oxford U.P., 1968.-IX, 153 p.-Bibliogr.' 140-150.-Index:p. 151-153.
B 2; B37-64
B 37-496.2
K-13 Kaiser»Robert Blair
"R.B.K must diei"A history of the Robert Kennedy assassination and its a termath. N.Y.,E.P.Dutton & C°,197O.
634 p.
&	/33;-J-
B 37-64
K-13	Kaiser,Robert G. and Morgan,Dan
The Soviet Union and Eastern Eu-rope:new paths,old ruts. H.Y.,For eign policy assoc.,1973»
63 p. (Headline series №215).
K-ll Kaji M. a.o.
towards a renovated world monetary system. N.Y., The trilateral commission, 1975.
44 p. (The triangle papers: 1. A report of the trilateral monetary task force to the executive committee of the trilateral commission).
r50',r^'( r etfv
B 37-532.1
K 14 Kalb Marvin, Kalb Bernard.
Kissinger.	Boston-Toronto:
Little, Brown and Comp., 1974. - 577
225 d
B 37-6
K-14 Kalb,Marvin and. Abel,Elie
Roots of involvement.The U.S.in Asia.1784-1971. N.Y.»Norton,1971.
336 p. Index:p.321-336.
4735 c
f 50
K 14
Kalder M.
The disintegrating West.
-	N.Y.: Hill and Wang, 1978.
-	219 p. - Index: p. 209-219.
f981; B 37-61;
0; B 37-64;
5 C33
U 30 K-14	Kaldor,Mary The baroque arsenal. N.Y., Hill and Wang,1981. 294p. Bibliogr.pp.255-284. Index pp.285-294.
M 30
B 37-611.2	A	5905
r 822
The trade-off between inflation anc unemployment : some exploration of the recent evidence for Canada. Ottawa, Crown Copyrights,1972.
ix,1U p.
K 30
K 15
Kammen M.
Mystic chord of memory; the transformation of tradition in American culture. - N.Y.: Alfred A.Knopf, 1991. - 866 p. - Index: p. 827-864.
K 30; M 30;	39
К 15:1.
Kampuchea in the seventies..Лер. of a Finnish inquiry comm. Tampere, Tampereen Pikakopio Oy,1982.
114 p.
BO;B 37-64;B 37-68
4 5676
M 2 K 16	Kanarowski,S.M. The German army and NATO strategy. Wash.,NDU press,1982. VI,94 p.,map. (Nat.security affairs monogr.ser. 82-2)
ZT 2;B	37-612	3666-r- 6 VS 4^*
-b- p.
II 37
K 37
Kane,Gordon L.
Verification of testing limitations on new strategic systems. Los Angeles, Univ, of Calif.,1985.
19p. /CISA research note No.15/
K-16 Kane J.N.
Facts about the Presidents.A compilation of biographical and historical data. 2nd ed. N.Y.,The H.W.Wilson Company,1968.
viii, 5S4 p. Index:pp.j>79-384.
b 30
K-16 Kane,Joseph Nathan
Facts about the presidents ; a compilation of biographical and historical data.3rd ed.	N.Y.,H.W.Wilson,1974.
407 p.
• b iD;