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1-62 Invasion, of federal employeeds’ privacy.Hearings before the subcomm, on employee benefits of the comm.on post office and civil service... 92 cor 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1971.
iv, 432 p.
1-62 Investigating the FBI.Ed.by Pat Watters and Stephen Gillers. Garden City, N.Y.,Doubleday & Company,Inc., 1975.
xxxiii, 518 p.	Index:pp.509-518
^6 1-62
Investigation into electronic battlefield program.Hearings before the electronic battlefield subcomm.of the ... comm, on armed services... 91 congr. ,2d sess. Wash.,GPO,1971.
221 p.
B 37-64 I 62
B 37-64
Investigation of Korean-American relations.Hearing before the Subcomm, on internal.organizations of the Comm.on internal.relations.House of repr.P.1-2. Wash.,GPO,1977« 2.vol. (U.S.Congress).
P.I.June 22,1977.	1977.	75 P.
P.2.July 28;Aug.3,1977..	1977.
124 P*	1-3835;2-3834
B 57-64
I 62
Investigation of Korean-American relations.Hearings...
P.5.Nov.29,50,1977.	197S.
209 p.
Supplement to P.4.March 15,16, 21,22,1978.	1978.	708 p.
5-4147;suppl.to 4-4146
Investigation of Korean-American relations.Hearings...
p.6.July 19;Aug.2,1978.	1978.
104 n.
P.7.Juno 22,1977;July 20,Aug.15, 1978.	1978«	92 p.
6-4411 ;7-4412
B 57-64
I 62
Investigation of Koroan-Aaorican relations.Rep.of the Subcom. on intern, organizat. of the Conn.on intern.relations .U.S .House of rcpr. Oct .51,1978. Wash.,GPO,1978.
447 p.	(U.S.Congr.,95«Scss.,2)
B 57-64
1-62 Investigation of the May Lai incident.Report of the armed services investigating subcomm.of the comm.on armed services... 91 congr.,2d sess. Wash. ,GPO,197O.
V, 53 p.
1-62 Investigation of possible politicization of federal statistical programs. Subcomm, on census and statistics of the comm.on post office and civil service... 92 congr.,2d sess. Oct.5, 1972. Wash.,GPO,1972.
v, 18 p.
1-62 Investigation of the preparedness program.Report by preparedness investigation subcomm.of the comm.on armed services... on U.S.Navy and U.S.Marine corps in Southeast Asia. Wash..GPO, 1967.
V, 17 p. (90 congr.,lst sess.)
1-62 Investigation, of the preparedness program.Report by preparedness investigating subcomm.of the comm.on armed services... Wash. ,(2?0,1968.
VI, 23 p. (9o congr.,2d sess.)
E 512 I 62
Investigation of publication of Select comm.on intelligence report. Hearings before the Comm.on standards of official conduct.House of repr. Wash.,GPO,1976.
748 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,25.
E 312
1-62 Investigation of students for a democratic society.Part 7-A .(Return of prisoners of war, and data concerning Camera News,Inc.,"Newsreel”).Hearings before the comm, on internal security... 91 congj 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1970.
V, 2185-2490 p. - XII p. index
1-62 An investigation of U.S. participa tion in the NATO common infrestructure program. 45 report by the comm.on government operations. Wash.,GPO, 1966.
VII, ;50 p. (89 congr. ,2d sess.)
I 90
1-62 The investment challenge of 1970.
By The Specialist Staff of the Magazine of Wall Street.	N.Y.,Ticker Publ.
134 p.
/ $0