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H-847 How can federal government best decrease poverty in the United States? National debate topic for High Schools 1984-1985.Pursuant to Public Law 88-246. Wash.,GPO,1984.
vi, 850 p. (98th congr.,2d sess.).
B37-280; B37-532.6 f918.1; T927
H-847 How can the interests of United-States consumers best be protected? National debate topic for High Schools 1980-1981«Compiled by the Congressional Research Service Library of Congress. Wash.,GPO,1980.
VII,636 p. (Senate /96th congress/ 2d session/ Documents No.96-43)«
5769 c
How capitalistic is the Constr tution? Robert A.Goldwin and William A. Schambra,editors. Wash.,Lnd.»American inst. for public policy research,1982.
172 p.
311; n 5; B 37-7
H-847 How C1ties can grow old graceful ly. Wash.,GPO,1977.
XIV, 222 p. (95th congr.,1st sess.)
H-847 How energy affects the economy.
Ed.by A.Bradley Askin. Lexington, Mass.,Toronto, Lexington Books,1979« xiii, 1^^ p.
I 926.5
H 847 How federal spending for infrastructure and other public investments affects the economy. - Wash.: Congressional Budget Office, 1991. - 101 p. - (Congressional Budget Office. A CBO Study. July 1991)
'926.5; r 927; P90-68
H-847 How many people? A symposium. N.Y. Foreign Policy Association,1975.
94 p. (Headline series.Dec.1973. n.218).
H-84? How military postal service ope rations can be improved. Wash., GPO,198O.
iii, 44 p. (Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S.).
j/l hC ’ /3 37 'J3
r 54
H 847
How Ottawa Spends 1996-97.
Life under the Knife. Ed. by Gene Swimmer.-Carleton University press, 1996-•478p.
B 11.2
H 847 How should America respond to Gorbachev’s challenge?: A report of the task force on Soviet new thinking. Oct. 10, 1987 /Joseph S.Nye, J., Whitney MacMillan. - N.Y»: Institute for East-West security studies, 1987. - 39 p.
B 11.2* B 11
H-847 How should America respons to Gorbachev’s challenge?:A report of the task force on Soviet new thinking. /Special report.-N.Y.: Institute for East-West Security Studies.1987.-39 P*
BO; B37-6;
H-847 How taxes affect economic behavior. Henry J.Aaron,Joseph A.Pech-man.Editors. Wash.,The Brookings Institution,1981.
xvi,456 p. Index:pp.449-456.
re2^3; rz^.±'
r 52
H 847
Sp. 2233
How the economic transformations in Europe will affect the Unites States. - Wash.: GPO, 1990. - 140 p. - (Congressional budget office. Dec. 1990. A CBO study)
F52; 1'53; T5
H-847 How the Federal Government participates in activities affecting the energy resources of the United States.Repor to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the United States. Wash.,1973 42 p.
/'5/Z/'f KZ23'f
r 924
H-847 How the government measures unemplo yment.Report 418. Wash.,GPO,1973.
12 p.