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В 37-508	Hibou В.
Н 625	The bureaucratization of the world
in the neoliberal era: an international and comparative perspective. - New York: Macmillan, 2015.-XXIV, 236 p. -(Series In international relations a. political economy).- Bibliogr.: p. 199-223/ Ind.:p.225-236.
76/16	В 37
r90-62 H—626
Hiee G.F.»Turner W.S.»Cashwell L.F. System development methodology.
Amsterdam-Oxf ord-New York,North-Hol-land publ.C0-American Elsevier publ.C® 1974.
ix, 570 p. Bibliogr.:pp.547-554 Subject Index:pp.555-570.
O-62‘, C9 ~Lb 3
B57-O95 H-628
Hickel Walter J.
Who owns America? By Walter J.Hickel. Englewood Cliffs,N. J..Prentice Hall,1971.
xii,328 p.
/9 37- 0^5- ',r$a
H-631 Hicks Donald A.
Automation technology and in dustrial renewal.Adjustment dynamics in the U.S. metalworking sector, wash.,American Enterprise Institute for Public^Policy Research,1986.
xiii,160 p. Bibliogr.:pp. 153-160.
T90-62; T933.2
Hicks Herbert G.
The management of organizations.
XII,452 p.
H-631 Hicks,Herbert G., Gullett,G.Ray.
Modern business management.A systems and environmental approach. N.Y.a.o.,McGraw-Hi11,1974.
xxv, 556 p.
r 18
H-631 Hicks, John.
Capital and time. A neo-Austrian theory.
- Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1973. - XI, 213 p.
-Ind. :p. 211-213.
Hicks John
The mains ring of economic growth.-024 o In.: The American Economic Association. A-512 December 1981. Vol.71,No.6.,pp.23-29.
Hicks Tyler G.
Successful engineering management Modern techniques for effective and profitable direction of the engineering function. N.Y.a.o..McGraw-Hill 1966.
XII,28? p.
H-635 Hierarchy in organizations./By A.S Tannenbaum a.o.FOrew.by D.Katz/. San Francisco a.o.,Jossey-Bass,1974.
xvii,284 p. Name index :pp. 241-2' 244; Subject index:pp.245-248.
r 321.0
B 11.2
H635 Higginbotham J.
Fast Train Russia. - N.Y.: Dodd, Mead
& Company, 1983. - 114 p.
61 Id
........ I
Ï7 p.
B 37-64 Higginbotham,Jay
H-.635	The vital alliance. Spee-
ches and. statements on Soviet-American relations 1979-1985.
B 37-64
Hi p-h definition television. Hea-rinJ €f ole lhe subcomm.on telecomrings oeiox -p-i-nonce of the comm, munications and finance 01 u on energy and c0^rce House of iep res.101st Congr.,1st sess. wasn 1989.-264 P
f 90-64; T9O-69
! 90-72
H 638
High defenition television: the international HDTV standart-setting process and the role of international standarts on U.S. competitiveness. Hearing before the Subcomm, on intern, scientific cooperation of the Comm.on sconce, space, and technology. U.S.House of repr. 101st Congr., 1st sess. - Wash.: GP0,1989. " 157 p.	p90-72; [-983» K324
r 932.4
H 638 High Energy Costs: Assessing the Burden: Proceedings of a conference organized by Resources for the Future and The Brookings Institution. October 9-10, 1980. / Ed. by H.H.Landsberg. — Wash.: Resources for the future, 1982. -405 p.