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Pried,Richard M.
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! : Pageantry and patriotism in Cold-War America. - TT.Y.; Oxford: Oxford univ. press,1998. - XIV,22® p.: ill. -Ind.:p.211-22®.
A 56
F 899
It changed my life.Writings on the women’s movement.	N.Y., Random
XIX, 3*88 p.
3590 5
F-899 Friedelbaum, Stanley M.
Contemporary constitutional law.
Case studies in the judicicial process.
N.Y.a.o.,Houghton Mifflin Co.,1972.
xiv, 10^5 p.
B 2 Friedensanalysen für Theorie und F 899 Praxis I. Frankf./am MSuhrkamp 1975.
212 S.
B 2
B 37-601
F 911
Friedland,Edward a.o.
The great détente disaster. Oil and the decline of American foreign policy. By E.Friedland, P .Seabury, A.Wildavsky. N.Y., Basic bocks,1975«
210 p.
?- 37-601;B 37 -64
301 oC
F 918.I F-911
Friedlaender Ann F.
The dilemma of freight transport regulation. Wash.,The Brookings I: 1970.
xiii, 216 p.
F-911 Friedlander Saul
Prelude to downfall: Hitler and the United States,1939-1941.Transl.from the French by Aline B. and A.Werth N.Y. »Alfred. A .Knopf, 1967.
328 p. IX p. index
F 911
Friedlander W.A.
Introduction to social welfare. — Englewood Cliffs, 1968. — 605 p.
801 d
F-911 Friedman Milton,Schwartz Anna J.
A monetary history of the United states.1867-1960. Princeton Univ. Press,1963.
xxiv,860 p.	Index:pp.815-860.
F-911 Friedman Milton,Schwartz Anna
Monetary statistics of the United States.Estimates,sources,methods.
N.Y.,National Bureau of Econ.Res..1970.
xx,629 p.
r 233.5
Friedman Milton 8* Heller Walter W.
Monetary vs. fiscal policy. N.Y. W.W.Norton & Go.,1969.
95 P.
F-911 Friedman Milton
Dollars and deficits.Living with America’s economic problems. Englewood Cliffs,N.J. ,Prentice-iiall,196S.
VIII,279 p.
rsr ! I
r255.5 F-911
Friedman Milton
The optimum quantity of money and other essays. Chicago,Aldine Publ. Co.,1970.
296 p. Index:pp.292-296.
r 90 F 911	Friedman,MiIton There’s no such thing as a free lunch. LaSalle,Open court, 1975. XII,318 p.
r 90;P 918.1;
T1 926.2;
f 233.5;B 37-53
r 926.2
Friedman,Milton and Friedman, Rose -
Tyranny of the status quo. San Diego,a.o.,HBJ,1984-182p, Index pp.175-182.
F 926.2
r 918.1
6975 o