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r 96
E 56
op. 2322
Energy conservation and renewable energy equipment exports: analysis of hearings on U.S.Solar and conservation technologies in interational markets: Report prepared by the Congressional research service ... U.S.House of repr. 97th Congr., 2d sess. Dec 1982. - Wash.: GPO, 1982. - 34 p.	rQn
E-56 Energy conservation considerations in the urban transportation planning process.Vol.il: compilation of resource papers prepared for a transporta-tion/energy seminar held October 17-19,1979. Wash.,GPO,1980.
E-56 Energy conservation: emerging consensus , diverging commitment. A staff study prep, for the use of the subcomm, on energy of the joint economic o,omm. Congress of the U.S. Wash.,GPO,1981. 39 p. (96th congr.,2d sess.).
r% 'f
r932. /
Energy conservation in federal and federally assisted buildings.Hearings before the subcomm.on buildings and grounds of the comm.on public works. U.S.Senate.94th congr.,lst sess.Pts.1-2 Wash.,GPO,1975/1976.
P. 1.	1975.	IV,666 p.
P. 2.	1976.	111,546 p.
rgc‘t rso'-^
E-56 The energy crisis and proposed solutions.Panel discussions before the comm, on ways and means.House of repres. 94th congr.,1st sess. Parts 1-4. Wash.,GPO,1975.
P.	1.	Xi,	557	p.
P.	2.	XI,	pp.	559-1100.
P.	5.	XI,	pp.	HOI-1578.
P.	4.	XI,	pp.	1579-2072.
B 37-64
The Energy Crisis and U.S. Foreign Policy. I Ed. by J.S.Szyliowicz, B.E.O’Neil. - N.Y.: Praeger Publishers, 1975.-258 p.
570 d
T 932.4
r 90
The energy crisis and U.S.foreign policy;Ed.by Joseph. S.Ssyliowics and Bard E.O’Neil. N.Y.,a.o.,Praeger, '1976.
XV,258 p. Bibliogr.p.233-254. (Praeger spec.stud.in intern.politics and government). Index p.255-258.
T 90:T 932.4;T 982;
T90 E-56
Energy data requirements of the federal government.A report of the subcomm, on activities of regulatory agencies of the permanent select comm, on small business together with additional views. Wash.,GPO,1974.
VI, 103 p.
E-56 Energy demand,conservation potential and probable lifestyle changes. Hearings...subcomm.on advanced energy technologies and energy conservation research,development and demonstration of the comm.on science and technoli gy,U.S.House of repr.,95th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1977• iii,625 p.
p [-/- Energy demand forecasting and its appropriate role in planning and policy. Report prep, by the congressional research service library... comm, on science and technology U.S.House of repres.97th congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GIO,1981. xv,26 p.
V90;	T90-2;
E-56 . Energy,economic growth,and the en-vironment.Papers presented at a Forum conducted by Resources for the Future, In Washington,20-21 April 1971.Ed.by S.H.Schurr. Baltimore,The Johns Hopkins University Press,1972.
viii, 232 p.	Indexspp.225-232.
E-56 Energy-efficient technology; advancing U.S. competitiveness and productivity. Report... comm, on science and technology U.S.House of rep-res. 97th congr.,2nd sess. Wash., GP0,1982.
ix,184 p.
^90; T9O-62;
^90-69; T9O-68
N 5644
E~56 Energy emergency legislation : Executive markup sess.a.appendix before the Comm.on interior a. insular affairs US Senate»pursuant to S.Res.45... 93rd Congr.,1st sess. Wash.:GPO,1973. - (Ser. ; N 93-22 (92-57)).
Pt.2. Nov.9 a.12,1973. - IV, 361-759 p.
E-56 Energy emergency preparedness.Hearing before the comm, on energy and natural resources.U.S.Senate.98th congr. 1st sess.	Wash.,GPO,1983»
594 p.
T90; T932.4
r	14735
I 90 .
E-56 Energy emergency preparedness act amendments of 1983; and the international energy agency program. Hearing before the comm, on energy and natural resources U.S.Senate.98th congr.,1st sess. Wash,,GPO,1984» 828 p.
1*90; f980; B37-62