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E-56 Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel. Ed.by Raphael Patai.Vols.1,2. N.Y,, Herz Press,1971.
Vol. 1.	xxiii, 647 p.
Vol. 2.	pp. 649-1292.
3 25
E-56 Encyclopedic dictionary of business finance.Prep.by the editorial staff of Prentice-Hall, INC. Prentice-Hall, E Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,1967.
658 p.
E--56 The end of ideology debate. Ed.by Chaim I.Waxman. N.Y.,Funk & Wagnails, 1968.
597 p.
B 37-531
E 56	The end of realignment?
Interpreting American electoral eras /Ed. by Byron E.Shafer.
-	Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. - 187 p.
-	Index: p. 181-187.
B 37-531;
A 334
end of the post-war era:Do cuments on great-power relations 1968-1975/Ed. by J.Maya11 and C.Na vari.-D.,N.Y.»Cambridge University Press,1980.-xix,642 p.
B0(02); T50;
_	B37-64
/4 22	15895
E-56 End the arms race: fund human needs.
Proceedings of the 1986 Vancouver Gentle ennial peace and disarmament symposium. Ed. by: Dr. Thomas L.Perry and Dr. James G. Foulks. West Vancouver, Gordon Soules Book Publishers Ltd.. 1986.
336 p.
A 22; /.227