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The economics of defense spending.
A look at the realities.July 1972.
x, 193 p. (U.S.Department of Defense)
E-19 The economics of education in the U.S.S.R. Ed. and trans.by Harold J.Noah. N.Y.,1969.
XXII, 227 p. (Praeger special studies in international economics and development) .
r 90
E-19' The economics of energy and natural resource pricing.A compilation of reports and hearings of the AD HOC comm, on the d domestic and ... Wash.,GPO,1975.
V, 753 p.
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г 90-71
Е-19 The economics of environmental quali ty.By James C.Hie, Hugh H.Macaulay,James M.Stepp, Bruce Yandle, Jr. Wash.»American Enterprise Inst.,1972.
113 p.
E-19 The economics of federal subsidy _ programs.A compendium of papers submit, to the joint econ.comm. Part 4. -Highe] education and manpower subsidies.Aug. 28,1972.	Wash.,GPO,1972.
pp. 407-569. (92 congr.,2d sess)
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Economics of industrial policy and strategy. D.G.McFetridge research coordinator. Toronto, University of Toronto Press,1986.
xvii,225 p. Bibiliogr.:pp.216-224.
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r 80
The economics of multi-plant ope ration.An international comparisons study./BysF.M.Scherer,A.Bechenstein, E.Käufer a.o./.	Cambridge,Mass.-
London, Harvard Univ.press,1975*
xiii,448 p.with tables. Author index :p. 44'1-443; subject index:444-448.
r 926
E-17 The economics of a national electronic funds transfer system.Proceedings of a conference held at Melvin Village, New Hamsphire October,1974.Boston,Massachusetts, Federal Reserve Bank.
185 p. (Conference series No. 15)

2/, 7 7
r 90
E-19 The economics of national priorities Hearings before the subcomm, on priorities and economy in government of the joint econ. comm... Parts 1-2. 92 congr. 1st sess.	Wash.,GPO,1971.
Parts 1-2. iv, 486 p.
E-17 Economics of the family.Marriage, children, and human capital.Ed. by T.W. Schultz. Chicago, London,The University of Chicago Press,1974.
584 p.	Index:pp.569-584.
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F 50
E-19 The economics of the oil crisis. Ed.by T.M.Rybczynski with a foreword by Sir Frank McFadzean. N.Y.,Holmer & Meier Publishers,Inc.,1976.
xxxvi,202 p.	Indexspp.199-202.
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r 90
The economics of the president’s proposed energy policies.Hearings before the joint economic comm.Congress of the U.S. 95th congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO,1978.
177 p.
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r 255.5 E-17
The economics of property rights.
Ed. by E.G.Furuboth and S.Pejovich.
Cambridge, Mass.»Ballinger Publishing
Company, 1974.
xvi, 567 P.
E-17 The economics of public finance. Essays by A.S.Blinder, R.M,Solow, G.F.Brea. a.o. Wash.,The Brookings Inst.,1974.
xvi, 435 P. Index:pp. 423-435.
E-19 The economics of recycling waste ma terials.Hearings before the subcomm.on fiscal policy of the joint econ. comm. ... 92 congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO. 1972.
198 p.
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