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B 30(02) D637
Documents on American foreign relations. 1961 /Ed. by Richard P.Stebbins.- New York, Harper & Brothers, 1961. - XXI, 583 p.-Index.: 581-583.
B 37
D-637 Documents on American foreign lations. 1961. Ed.by R.P.Stebbins. N.Y.,Harper & Brothers, 1962.
555 P.
D-637 Documents on American foreign relations. 19&3. Ed.by R.P.Stebbins. N.Y.,Harper 8« Row, 1964.
480 p.
■documents on American foreign relations. 1966. Ed.by Richard P.Stebbins. N.Y.,a.o.»Harper and Row,1967.
XXI, 530 p.
B 30(02) Documents on American foreign relations.
D 637	1967 /Ed. by Richard P.Stebbins.- New York,
Simon and Schuster, 1968. - XVII, 524 p.
D-637 Documents on American foreign relations. 1968-69.Ed.by Richard P.Stebbins and Elaine P.Adam. Simon & Schuster, 1972.
605 p.
5	Documents on Canadian external
D 6J6 relations.Ed.by Donald M.Page.Vol.12 Ottawa,Dep.of external affairs,1977«
1 vol.
Docunents on Canadian external relations.
Vol.12.1946.	1977. XLTV,2120 p.
Index p.2091-2120.
^V. 12-42J8
1647 c
B 0 D-636
Documents on Disarmament, 1969. -Wash.: U.S.Arms Control & Disarmament Agenjjy, 1970.-XVIII, 821 p.-Index:p. 791-821.-(U.S.Arms Control & Disarmament Igency Publication 55).
B 0
2658 c
B 0 D-636
Documents on Disarmament, 1972. -Wash.: U.S.Arms Control & Disarmament Agency, 1974.-XVIII, 959 p.-Index:p. 947- 959.-(U.S.Arms Control & Disarmament Agency Publication 69).
B37-611.2; PI 30
4359 o
itoouronts oa	1974* •
Woob«i Wans Control & ^isariaaaont AfMMy* 197S*«£Kt 918 p»*Xotex>p« 905-9l8«-<U*S*Axn» Control A DlflBMMHMXt JX’OZMJ/	lofttton 76/*
8 0« B37*bH«2» XX 30
Documents on German foreign policy. 1918-1945.Series C.The 3rd ReichjFirst phase. Vol. 1-4. Wash.,GPO,1957-1962.
4 vol.
Documents on German foreign policy. 1918-1945.
Vol. 1. Jan.-Oct.1933.	1957.
LXIV, 962 p.
Vol. 2. 0ct.l933-June 1934.	1959.
LXXI, 929 p.
Vol. 3. June 1934— March 1935.	1959
LXXXII, 1157 p.
Vol. 4. April 1935-March 1936.	1962
LXXVII, 1272 p.
D-637 documents on Germany,1944-1970.
XXV, 897 p. with maps. (Comm.on Foreign Relations, U.S.Senate).
B 37-66
D-637	Documents on Middle East peace, 1982-
88. Report prepared for the subcomm, on Europe and the Middle East of the Comm, on foreign affairs U.S. House ofrepresent-tatives by the congressional research service library of cogress. 101st congr., 1st sess. - Washington : GPO, 1989. - 99 p.
B 37-64	16695