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The development of the Soviet economy.Plan and performance.Ed.by Vladimir G.Treml.Publ. for the Inst.for the study of the USSR. N.Y.a.o.,Praeger,1968.
XIV, 298 p.
■Development policy - theory and ractice.Ed.by Gustav F.Papanek, ambridge Mass.»Harvard Univ.Press,1968
XV, 567 p. Index:pp.565-567.
/-.233.37 r30-2; rm,
r 61 Development regions in the Soviet D 489 Union,Eastern Europe,and Canada.Ed.I Andrew F.Burghardt. N.Y.,a.o.,1975.
XIII,192 p.,map. (Praeger sped studies in intern.economics and devc lopment.) Index p.183-192
r 6/
0-489 Development,use, and control of nuclear energy for the common defense and security and for peaceful purposes. Wash.,GPO,1975.
VII, 104 p.
£ 37-£/////3?, £3.27
B 37-611.3 Development,use,and control of D 489 nuclear energy for the common defense and security and for' peaceful purposes.2d am.rep.to the U.S .Congress "by the Joint com.on atonic energy.June 30,197°» Wash.,GPO,1975.
196 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.2). 90-64;
3Z-69;r^o-68 A 3231
D-489 Development world debt policy.Hearing before the subcomm.on international finance»trade and monetary policy of the comm.on banking,finance and urban affairs.House of repres.100th Congr. 2nd sess.-Wash.:GPO,1988.-170 p.
p /V2/f
Developments in American Politics 3. Ed. by C.Peele, Ch.J.Bailey, B.Cair and B.G.Peters. L., Llamillan Press LTD, 1998, 419 p.
Developments in China, February 1987 : Hearing before the subcommittee on Asian and Pacific affairs of the committee on foreign affairs house of representatives I 100th congress, 1st session, February 5, 1987. - Washington : GPO, 1987. - 72 p.
B 37-64
B 1
B 37-64
D-489	Developments in Eastern Europe, June
1989 : Hearing before the subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the comm, on foreign affairs house of representatives / 101st congress, 1st session, June 27, 1989. -Washington : GPO, 1989. - 70 p.
C	. 7	'■ ■ '
B 37-64 ' D 489	Developments in Europe,March, April,July,1982. Hearings before the Subcomm.on Europe and the Middle East of the Comm.on foreign affairs. House of repr. Wash.,GPO,1982. 3 vol. (U.S.Congr.,97,sess., 2)
6 3*-6w; n>1; r 01 r (>2	O	c.c.k.
. - ■ . ' »'«( I ■' ) ; >■	JU I i '
C	. . I . I, I ' ' b I I	< I I '
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■‘Developments in Europe...
Ui.J.v ■■.,'- , . i .
March,1982. March 9,1982.
1982.	33 p.
April,1982. April 29,1982.
,	,	1982.	28 p.
July, 1982. July 21,19,82.
1982.	36 p.
III-5667 IV -5668 VII-5669
B 2 Developments in Europe,August 1982.
D 489 Hearing before the Subcomm.on Europe and the Middle East of the Comm, on-foreign affairs. House of repr. Aug.10,1982. Wash.,GPO,1982.
23 p. (U.S.Congr.,97,sess.,2)
B 2;B 37-64
B 37
Developments in Europe, January 1987 : Hearing before the subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the comm, on foreign affairs house of representatives / 100th congress, 1st session, January 28, 1987. - Washington : GPO, 1987. - 84 p.
B 37-64
D-489	Developments in Europe, September
1987 : Hearing before the subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the common foreign affairs house of representatives / 100th congress, 1st session, September 29, 1987. - Washington : GPO, 1988. - 88 p.
B 37-64
B 37-64
Developments in Europe, February 1988 : Hearing before the subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the comm, on foreign affairs house of representatives / 100th congress, 2nd session, February 9, 1988. - Washington : GPO, 1988. - 147 p.