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PI 52 Department of- defense energy
D 419 initiatives.Hearings before tho Subcomm.on military construction and stockpiles of the Comm.on armed services.U.S.Senate.Nov.17;Dec.19, 20,1977;Jan.26,1978. Wash.,GPO, 1978.
210 p. (U.S.Congr.,95*Soss., 1 and 2).
11 52; PI 42; Pl 41;
T 984.1
D 419
Department of defense policy statement on export control of United States technology.Hearing before the Subcomm.on internet.economic policy and trade of the Comm.on internat.relations .Oct.27,1977.	Wash.,GPO,1977.
19 P* (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,1).
984.1 ;B 37-603;T 980:
I'90-72	301 j
A/41 —
C-976 T1ie Department of defense program of research,development, test and evaluation, FY 1977. Statement by Malcolm R.Currie to the Congress of U.S.Febr.3, 1976. Wash.,1976.
<2^-419 The Department of defense program of research, development, test and evaluation, FY 1978. - Statement by Dr.M.R.Cux' rie.Director of defense research and engineering to the Congress of the U.S. 95th congr.,lst sess.18 January,1977. Wash.,1977.
^1 40 Department of defense research, D 419 development,test and evaluation support to the office of the secretary of defense and organization of the joint chiefs of staff.F.Y.1981.Statement for the record to the Subcomm.
on research and development of the Comm.on armed services.House of repr.
6 March,1980.
41 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,2)
H 40;B 37-533;
K 323;T 90-69	4939
IZ 40 g_4]_g The department of defense research, development,test and evaluation support to the Office of the Secretary of defen se and the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff FY 1986.Statement for the record to the subcomm.on research and development of the comm.on armed services House of repres. 99th congr., 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1985.
32 p.
40; ^32
D-419	Department of defense. A review of
Department of Defense. December 31, 1982. Selected Acquisition Reports (SARs). Special Study, August 1983. -Washington : GPO, 1983. - 51 p.
n 31
D 419
Department of defense supplemental appropriation authorization act 1981. John Tower,Comm.on armed services, Senate ,submit.the following rep. Apr.1 (legislative day,Febr. 163,1981. Wash.,GPO,1981.
23 p» (U.S.Congr.,97,sess.,1)
K 31
Department of energy authorization : Hearings before the subcommittee on fossil and nuclear energy research, development and demonstration of the committee on science and technology U.S. house of representatives / 95th congress, 2nd session, February 2, 7, 8, 1978, Vol. III. - Washington : GPO, 1^8. - IV, 977 p.
O 11108
B 37
D-419	Department of energy defense programs
authorization : Hearing before the subcommittee on energy conservation and power of the comm, on energy and commerce house of representatives / 98th congress, 1st session, May 26, 1983.
B 37-533	- Washington : GPO, 1983. - 86 p.
r 926.5	14196
F915.1	A
B 37
B 37-611.3
B 37-533 r 926.5 r 980
Department of Energy fiscal year 1981 budget: nuclear nonproliferation programs : Hearing before the subcomm, on international security and scientific affairs and on international economic policy and trade of the comm, on foreign affairs house of representatives / 96th congr., 2nd sess., April 16,
1980. - Washington : GPO, 1980. - 46 p.
A 12927
D-419 Department of energy fiscal year 1982 authorization.Hearing before the subcomm, on water and power of the comm, on energy and natural resources.U.S. Senate. 97th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1981.
250 p.
B 37
Department of energy fiscal year 1983 budget on environment, health and safety : Hearing before the subcomm, on natural resources, agriculture research and environ-
B 37-533 K39 r 90-71 f 926.5
ment of the comm, on science and technology U.S. house of representatives / 97lh congress, 2nd session, March 11, 1982.
- Washingtoi^^jPO, 1982. - 160 p. O 14219
B 37 D-419	Department of energy fiscal year 1984 authorization (Energy Information Administration) : Hearing before the subcomm, on energy conservation and supply of the comm, on energy and natural resources United States Senate / 98th congr., 1st sess.,
B 37-533 r 926.5 r 918.1 K38	June 24, 1983. - Washington : GPO, 1983. - 135 p. A	14194
II 32 D 419
Department of energy national security and military application of nuclear authorisation act of 19-0. Rep. to.got .nith additional viors.Coram on armed services.U.S.House of renr. Hay 13,1979* ' Wash.,CFO,1979*'