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n 553
Decision and organization.A volume in Honor of Jacob Marschak.Ed.by G.B. McGuire and Roy Radner. Amsterdam--London, North-Hollan Publ.Co.,1972.
x, 361 p. Indexes:pp.331-361. (Studies in mathematical and managerial economics.Vol.12).
9 n^r,r5^I.Z
D-294	Decision-making.Creativity,judgment,
and systems. Ed.by Henry S.Brinkers. Columbus,Ohio State University Press. 1972.
x, 276 p. Index: pp.267-276.
rgi/.z', A'35>',n3J?
PI 0
Decisionmaking for arms limitation.Assessments and prospects.Ed.by Hans Guenter Branch and Duncan L.Clarke. Cambr». Mass.»Ballinger, 1983.
XXXI,332p. Index pp.315-328.
PI 0
Di 30	6474 c
B 37-611.2
D-294 Decision making in national science policy. A ^iba Foundation and Science of Science Foundation Symposium. Ed.by Anthony de Reuck a.o. L., 1968.
310 p.
r 90-71 D-294
air and water poilu public works... 93 16, 17 and 18, 1973
Decision of the administrator of the environmental protection agency r ardin suspension of the 1975 auto emi sion standards.Part 1.Hearings before the subcomm, on of the comm, on 1st sess. April Wash.,GPO,1973. iv, 462 p.
D-294 Decision of the United States Supreme Court, 1966-67 TERM.	N.Y.,Law-
yers Co-operative Puhi.Co.,1967.
ran, W p.
D-294 Decision of the United States Supreme Court. 1967-68 TERM.	N.Y.,Law-
yers Co-operative Publ.Co.,1968.
XXXY, 412 p.
r 924 Decisions and orders of national labor
,1(294 relations board.-Washington:GPO,2012.
Vol.356: Oct.12, 2010,through Jun.28,
2011.-XIII. 1487p.
«n T 924 £294	Decisions and orders of national labor relations board.- Washington:GPO,2013. Vol.357: June 29, 2011,through Jan.3 2012.-XIII. 2367p.
66/16	9
An T 924 £294	Decisions and orders of national labor relations board.- Washington:GPO,2013. Vol.358: Jan.27. 2012. through Sept. 28.2012.-XIII. 1777p.
67/16	9
r 924
Decisions and orders of the National Labor Relations Board / National Labor Relations Board.-Washington: GPO, 2016.
Vol. 359 : September 28, 2012, through July 16, 2013.-XII, 1551 p. :tab.
7/1 9hh
E401 D-294
Decisions of the United States Supreme Court. 1968—69* term. By the Editorial staff United States Supreme Court reports. Hochester, N.Y.,The Lawyers Co-operative Publ.Co.,1969*
XXXII, 566 p.
E401 D—294
Decisions of the United States Supreme Court. 1969-1970 term.By the Editorial staff United States Supreme Court reports. Rochester, N.Y., The Lawyers Co-operative Publ Co.,1970.
XXXII, 345 p.
D—2.^4 Decisions of the United States supreme court. 1970-71 term. N.Y..Lawyers Co Publ.Co.,1971.
xxxvi, 451 p.
D-294 Decisions of the United States supreme court.1971-72 term. By the Editorial staff United States supreme court reports lawyers’ edition. N.Y.,The Lawyers Cooperative Publ. Co.,1972. xLiii, 545 p.