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C-976 Current situation in South. Africa. Hearing before the subcomm, on Africa of the comm, on foreign affairs.House of repres.96th congr., 1st sess. Wash.,GIO,1979.
37 p.
/52 \
C-976 Current wage developments.December 1989.(Includes data through November 1989).Vol.41.Ko.12.-Wash.: U.S.Department of Labor,1989.-35 p.
» 25; T90; R24
! 25
C-97& Current wage developments«January 1990.(Includes data through December 1989)•Vol.42»No.1.-Wash.:U.S.Department of Labor,1990.-38 p.
25; T924;
C-97& Currie David P.
Federal jurisdiction in a nutshell. 2nd ed. By David P.Currie. St.Paul.,Minn., West Publishing Co., 1981.
XXXIX,258 p. Index:pp.249-258.
£ it

C-976Currie Malcolm R.
The Department of defense program of research development, test and evaluation, FY 1977. Overeview statement by... Wash.,1976.
21 p.
C-Q76 Currie Malcolm R.
The department of defense program of research,development, test and evaluation, FY 1977. Statement by... to the Congress of U.S. Febr. 3,1976. Wash.,1976.
rgie.i C-978	Curtailing indirect federal subsidies to the U.S*postal service. Wash.,1984. xiv,37 p.	(The Congress of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office)
(918.1;	H?55
K32	u
G-98ICurtis Richard and nogan Elizabeth Perils of the peaceful atom.The myth of safe nuclear power plants.By Richard Curtis and Elizabeth Hogan. Garden City, N.Y. »Doubleday 8c Co.,1969
XIV, 274 p.	Index:pp.269-274.
<32; /337 ^//3
/984.18 0-987
Customs valuation.Report of the U. S. Tariff commission to the comm, on finance and the subcomm.on interbatio-nal trade.March 14, 1973. Wash.,GPO 1973.
Var.pag. <3 congr.,lst sess.)
H 220
Cuthberts on, Brian
Canadian military independence the cage of the superpowers. Toronto, a.o. ,?itahenry & Whiteside, 1977.
232 p. Index p.277-212.
Id 220; PC 222.2;B 5764;
B 57-12;B 225-612;
И 46
С 988 Cuthbertson I.M., Robertson D.
Enhancing European Security: Living in a Less Nuclear World. - London: The Macmillan Press LTD, 1990. - 223 p.
7*35	'	1006c
C-99^Cuzzort R.P. Humanity and Modern Sociological
Thought. N.Y., etc.,Holt,^inehart 8* Wunston,1969.
XI, 350 p. with il. Index;pp. 343-350.