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B37-7 C-899	Crawford, Alan. Thunder on the right. The “new right” and the politics of resentment. - New York : Pantheon Books, 1980. - XV, 381 p. - Ind. : p. 371-381.
B 37-01 B 37-49 B 37-53 B36	4928c •
/ 96
C-899Crawford 0.Merle
The future environment for marketing. The University of Michigan, 1970.
XII, 156 p.
£	r^33.5
Crawford, Elisabeth T,
S-678 Social scientists and international affairs. N.Y.a.o.,1969.
DOS' /V i5Z
Crawford M.
One Money for Europe? The Economica and Politics -of EMU.
L., 1996
C 898
Crawf ord,Young
Ideology and development In Africa. New Haven-Lnd.,Yale U.P., 1982.
XVII, 376 p. Index pp.363-376
BO; B 37-64
C-912 Creamer Daniel,Apostolides Anthony D., Wang Selina L.
Overseas Research and development by United.States multinationals, 1966-~1975••Estimates of expenditures and a statistical profile. N.Y.,Ottawa, The Conference Board Inc.,1976.
ix,lj>0 p.
r0/yf K3Zr/
lWt r9f>
B 225-29 C-912	Groan,Susan and Rioux.Marcol Two nations.An essay on the culture and politics of Canada and Quebec in a world of American pre-eminence. Toronto, Lorimor,1983. I67p.
b 225-29	6673^
K 32
C 912
Creating the new wealths national research and development funding in the 1990s. Hearings before the Comm, on science»space, and technology. U.S.House of repr. 101st Congr., 1st sess. - Wash.:
GPO, 1989. - 282 p.
K 32; f-90-68; 90-60
' 914
CÏqi2 l’he creative interface.The new rela^ tionship between business and governmen The American University.Lectures in Bu-siness-Government Rela tions.Courtney C.Brown, John T.Connor, Elisha Gray, Ed. by Robert W.Miller.	Wash.,School
of Business Admin.,1968.
xi, 79 P.
A r3lJ/ \ ß^-c>9b
I 921.1
The creative organization.Ed.and with an introd.By Gary A .Steiner. Chicago & London,The Univ.of Chicago Press,1969.
VIII, 267 p.
C-912. Credit allocation techniques and monetary policy.Proceedings of a Conference h.ld at Melvin Village,N.H., September,197^» Boston,Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,1973.
254 p.
9 rw
B 22
Creighton Donald
Canada’s first century,1867-1967. Toronto,Macmillan of Canada,1970.
x,J72 p. Index:p.559-272.
ft b 22^-0/
C-914 Creighton, Donald
Canada’s first century.1867-1967.
Toronto^ Macmillan,1972.
378 p. Index: pp.365-378.
C-914 Creighton Donald.
John A.Macdonald..The old chief tain.By Donald Creighton. Toronto, The Macmillan Company of Ca nada Limited,1973»
ix,63O p. Index:pp.614-630.
В 220
С 914 Creighton, Donald.
The story of Canadae - Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1978. - 319 p.
-	Select bibliogr.: p. 299-306.
-	Index p. 307-319.
В 220