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3Æ 30
G 761
Contemporary strategy.Theories and policies.By John Baylis,Ken
a*°*	N.Y.,Holmes & Meier,
VI,324 p* Index p.313-324.
H 30îB 37-6;U 5 PE 11
B 36(6)
C-761 Contemporary theory in international relations.-
/Ed.by Stanley Hoffman/.-Englewood C Prentice-Hall,1960.-x,293p»-Index: pp.289-293
B 36(6)
0-761 The contemporary university: U.S.A. Ed.by Robert S.Morison.	Boston,
Houghton Mifflin Co.,1966.
xvi, 364 p.
C-761 Contemporary Yugoslavia.Twenty Years of Socialist Experiment.Ed.by Wayne S. Vucinich. Berkeley and Los Angeles, Univ, of California Press,1969.
XIII, 441 p. Index: pp.417-441.
B 37-601 G-761	Gontending approaches to international politics / Ed. by Klaus Knorr, James N. Rosenau. - Princeton, New Jersey : Univer. press, 1969. - 297 p.
B 37-602 B 37-603 II354	2278
Continental community? Independence and integration in North America. Ed. by: W.A.Axline a.o. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart Limited,1974.
302 p.
Z32 2;
M 22
C 762
A continuing commitment: Canada and North Atlantic security. / Ed. by K. Ikavalko, S. McNish. - Toronto: The Canadian institute of strategic studies, 1992. - 202 p.
T 984.
C 762
Continuing most-favored-nation tariff treatment of imports from Romania.Hearing before the Subcomm, on internat.trade'of the Comm.on finance.Senate.Sept.8, 1976.	hash.,CPC,197°.
T 934
B 57-(
T 981
52;B 37-64^	5574
r 984.1
C 762
' I
Continuing most-favored-nation tariff treatment of imports from Romania-1977»Hearing before the Subcomm.on intern.trade of the Comm.on finance.U.S.Senate.June 27,1977» Wash.,GPO,1977»
165 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,1).
r 984.1; r 981;
B 57-62;B 57-64
K 30 0 7'62
Continuing problems with U.S. military equipment prepositioned in Europe.Rep.to the Joint econo mic coEE.by the Comptroller gene ral of the United States.Julv 27 1976. Wash.,GAO,1976.
' 76 p.
M 30;B 37-612
C-762 Continuing review of the all-volunteer force.Hearing before the military personnel subcomm, of the comm, on armed services.House of repres. 95th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO, 1978.
24 p.
B 22	Continuity and change
C 759	in Canadian politics: essays in
Honour of David E. Smith. Ed.by Michelmann H. J. a.o. Toronto, Univ.of Toronto Press, 2006.
273 p.
176#8	T 824
B 37
C 764
B 37-53
B 37-532.6
F914 r 921.4 f 921.8
Contracting for computer software development—serious problems reguire management attention to avoid wasting additional millions. Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S.
- Washington : GPO, 1979. - V, 84 p.
C-764 Contracts to provide space in federal reservoirs for future water supplies should be more flexible. Wash. U.S.General Accounting Office,1980.
iii,13 p. (Report by the U.S. General Accounting Office).
S3?- J
e-/76 G-764
Contradictions of communism.Report by the subcomm, tojdinvestigate the administration of the Internal Security Act and other internal security laws to the comm, on the Judiciary, U.S.Senate.Rev. 1964. Wash.,GPO,1964.
62 p. Index: pp.59-62.