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C-756 Constitutions of the United States.
National and State.2nd ed. 1-3, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.,Oceana Publicstions,Inc., 1974-75.
Vol. 1. (The U.S.»Alaska,Alabama, Colorado,Georgia, Idaho, Illinois,Indiana,Kansas, Kentucky). Pag.var.
Vol. 2. (California.Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Main«,North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia). Pag.var.
Æ 3/Z
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E311 C-756
Constitutions of the U.S.National and State. 1974-1975»
Vol. 5» (Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Wyoming). Pag.var.
C-756 Construction contract changes, changed conditions and equitable adjus ments. Wash., The George Washington University,1975•
56 p. (Government contracts monograph No.5. 1975 Edition).
Construction on Trans-Alaska pipeline Oversight hearings... Hearings before the subcomm. on public lands of the comm, on interior and insular affairs.House of repres.94th congr.,1st sess. Wash., GPO,1975.
IV, 544 p.
C-758 Construction problems at Marble Hill nuclear facility: Nuclear Regulatory Commission oversight.. Hearings before a subcomm, of the comm, on government operations.House of repres. 96th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO.198O.
349 p.
re c -T-/‘z r9 37^;
B2 0-758
Constructive change in Latin America Ed. by Cole Blasier. University of Pittsburg Press,1968.
XXV, 245 p.
0-758 Consultant panel on social security.
Report of the ... to the congressional research service. Prep.for the use of the comm.on finance of the U.S.Senate and the comm.on ways and means of the U.S.House of repres.	Wash.,GPO,1976.
V, 119 p. (9^th congr.,2d sess).
/7 25
C-755 Consultants and consulting organizations directory.A reference guide to concerns and individuals engaged in consultation for business and industry. 2nd es. Detroit,Mich.»Gale research Co.,1975.
ix, 835 p.
Consumer behaviour.Selected
Ed.bt A.S.C. Ehrenberg and F.G.Pyatt. Harmondsworth, Eng.»Penguin Books,1971.
384 p. Index: pp.377-384.
113^- ßi?-?
Consumer dass actions. Wash., American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research., 1977.
P« (American Enterprise Institute Legislative Analysis).
Consumer confidence and federal economic policy.Seminar. Wash..GPO, . 1975.
72 p.
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C-758 Consumer price index.Hearing before the subcomm.on production and stabilization of the comm.on banking,housing and urban affairs... 95 congr.,2d sess.April 25, 1974. Wash.,GPO,1974.
79 P.
Consumer prices in the United States 1959-68.Trends and indexes.Bui1.164?. U.S.Dep. of labor. Wash.,GPO,1970.
v, 75 p.
B 37
C-758	Consumer product safetu commission
reauthorization. Hearing before the subcomm, for consumers of the comm, on commerce, science, and transportation U.S. Senate. 98th congr., 1st sess. - Washington : GPO, 1983. - 153 p.
B 37-533 f 96
0-758 Consumer protection:implications for international trade.Ed.by E.Patrich McGuire. A research report from The Conference Bpard. ST.Y.,The Conference Board,Inc.,1980.
vii,63 p.
r97;T96;/,4O	13796