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C-746 The Conduct of Political Inquiry. Behavioral Political Analysis.Louis D.Hayes Ronald D.^edlund, eds. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,Prentice-Hall,1970.
XI, 255 P.
/75?; nr
С-747 Cone James H.
A black theology of liberation. Philadelphia 8a New York, Lippincott Co.,1970.
254 p.
ф /74^
Л 152
The Conference Board.
Cumulative index. 1972. Ottawa N.Y.,1972.
X, 70 p.
• Л /?■? ' гзрМ
r 926 C-749
The Conference Board Economic Forum. Tuesday, May 21,1974.The Waldorf-Astoria New York, New York.
Inflation in the United States: Causes and consequences. Proceedings The Conference Board Economic Forum. N.Y.,The Conference Board,Inc.,1974.
xiii, 102 p. (A report from the Conference Board).
0-748 Conference on European security.Hearings before the subcomm, on Europe of the comm, on foreign affairs... 92 congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO,1972.
viii, 195 p.
0-748 Conference on the human environment (A report of Canada’s prep.for and participation in the United Nations Conference... Stockholm, Sweden, June 1972). Ottawa, Crown Copyrights,1972.
71 p.
Conference on Ocean Management Airlie House. Warrenton, Virginia. January 25-27, 1974. Muscatine, Iowa, Stanley Foundation!974.
iii, 55 p.
C-748	Conference on the plans and needs for
International strategic studies. October 24 and 25, 1969. Research resources for the 70’s. Proceedings of... / Ed. by D. M. Abshire, G. D. Gayle. - Washington : Georgetown Univ., 1970. - XV, 318 p.
- (The Center for Strategic and International Studies).^^
K 322	A 2966
G-748 Conference on security and cooperation in Europ.eHearing... subcomn on international political and military affairs of the comm, on international relations,House of repres.,94tl congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO,1975« iv, 52 p.
B 37-64
G 743
Conference on security and cooperation in Europe.Hearings before the Subconn.on intern, political and military affairs of the Com.cn intern.relations. U.S.House of ropr.P.2. Wash., GEO,1976.
1 vol. (U.S.Congress).
B 37-64;B
B 11
P.2.Hov.18,1975;May 4,1976
1976.	191
37-61 ;
p. 2-3101
B 37-612
Conference on United Nations procedures. 5th annual. New Palts, New York. May 3-6, 1974. - Muscatine, Iowa : The Stanley Foundation, 1974. - 39 p.
BO 0-748
Conference on United Nations Procedures. Mohonk Mountain House New Paltz, New York. March 30- April 2,1978» Report of the ninth annual."U.N.
Special session on disarmament".
Muscatine, Iowa, The Stanley Foundation,1978.
36 p.
Conference to plan a strategy for peace. Report. Warrenton,1966.
49 P.
Confidence and concern: citizens view American government.A survey 01 public attitudes by the subcomm, on intergovernmental relations of the cornu on government operations. Parts 1-2. Dec. 5, 1975. Wash.,GPO,1973.
P. 1.	xvi, 342 p.
P. 2.	xi, 516 p.
B 0	Confidence building and East-
C-748 West relations.Ed.by Karl E.Birnbaum. Wiin,Braumuller,1982.
132p. /AHA. The Laxenburg paper 5/
B 0
B 37-64
H 5; IT 354