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B 0
& №
Bush K.
Climate change, global security and international governance: A summary of proceedings of a conference on climate change and global security. Ottawa, 11-12 Apr. 1990. Working paper 23.
- Ottawa:Canadian Institute for international peace and security, 1990.	- 59 p. B0; B 22-6
- \ ■
B 37-66
B 978
€p. 2246
Bush K., Price R.
Managing regional conflict: regimes and third-party nudiatores: Proceedings of a workshop held in Ottawa 6-7 May 1988. - Ottawa: The Canadian Institute for intern.peace and security, 1988. - 64 p. -(CUPS Working Paper. 12).
B 37-66; B 37-64
B 37-8
B 978 The Bush presidency;'first appraisals /Ed, by 0.Campbell,SJ. and B.A.Rockman. - Chatham, Hew Jersey: Chatham House Publishers, Inc., 1991« - 308 p. - Index: p. 297-306.
B 37-8
Business and government in Canada.
Selected readings.2nd ed. Ed. by K.J.Rea and J.T.McLeod. Toronto, London, Sydney, Wellington,1976.
x, 454 p.
/~ f Zl/o} r 2
£ 22-Z^
r 918.1
B-979 Business and government long range planning : impacts,problems,opportu ni ties. Ed. by Hasan Ozbekhan,Gene E. Talbert.rrovidenc,Rhode Island,Inst.
of Management Sciences,1969. vi, 265 p.
J 23
B-979 Business control atlas of the United States and Canada.1968 ed. N.Ï., American Map Company, /1968/.
120 p. (Cleartype).
2 3
r 233.5
B-979 The business cycle and public policy, 1929-80: A compodium of papers submitted to the Jount economic comm. Congress of the U.S.-Wash.:GPO,1980.-379p.-(9t>th Congr.,2d sess.).
r23>3.5 B-979
The business cycle today.Ed. by Victor Zarnowitz. New York and London,Columbia Univ.Press,1972.
xii, 3^8 p.(National Bureau of Eco nomic Research.5°th anniversary.colloquium I.General ser.96 Economic research: retrospect and prospect;.
Business games handbook .Ed.by Robert G.Graham,Clifford F.Gray. AMA,1969.
480 p. Index: pp.477-480.
P9<0 -5'3’
Business law.Principles and cases.
H.F.Lusk, C.M.Hewitt, J.D.Donnel,A.J.Barnes, 3rd U.C.C. ed. Homewood, Illinois Richard D.Irwin, Inc.,1974.
XX, 1281 p. Indexes:pp.1269-1281.
B 37-298 B-979	Business leadership and the Negro crisis Ed. by Eli Ginzburg. - New York, a. o. : McGraw-Hill, 1968. - XII, 175 p.
B 37-45 B 37-22 r 913.2 A 38	1147
267 c
B-976 The Business of America / Ed. by Ivar Berg.-Harcourt, Brace & World, N.Y., a.o., 1968.X, 437 p.-Index:p. 425-437.
B3O(O95); > I1 913
V.l. 16037J
2 25
B-978 Business organizations, agencies, and publications directory.3rd ed. Vols.1-2. K.Gill and D.P.Boyden editors. Detroit, Michigan, Gale Research Company,1986.
Vol.1.Chapters 1-24; Entries 1-14198;	1096 p.
Vol.2.Chapters 25-39; Entries 14199-22506. Index;	pp.1101-2031.
ft 255 B37-O1
* 25
B-978 Business organizations and agencies directory.1st ed. Anthony T. Kruzas,Robert C.Thomas eds. Book Tower,Detroit»Michigan, Gale Research Company,1980.
xiv,894 p.
^132 B-979
Business periodicals index.July 1969 - June 1970. Ed. by E.E.Pingree. N.Y.»Wilson,1970.
xii, 893 p.