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B-963 Burn, Duncan and Epstein,Barbara.
Realities of free trade.Two indust ry stydies. London,George Allem,1972 xxvii, 275 p.
9 rso , rf/r,
T 926 B 967	Burns,Arthur F. Reflections of an economic polic maker.Speeches and congressional statements:1969-1978. Wash.,Amer. enterpr.inst.for publ.policy res., 1978. 485 p. Index p.477-485.
r 926;
r 916; r.926.2;
P» 918. 1 ;
r233.5; T61.
47840 ‘
/7 /9Z8c
Burns,Arthur F.
The relevance of Adam Smith to today’s problems.Address by Arthur F Burns... at the Adam Smith Symposium Kirkcaldy,Scotland,June 5>1973. S.L. 1973.
20 p.
B 37-64 B-967	Bums, Arthur F. The United States & Germany. A vital partnership. - New York : CFR, 1986. - XII, 52 p. - (Elihu Root lectures. Febr. 1986).
v.;.	7240c
B 225-6
B-967 Burns,E.L.M.
Defence in the nuclear age.An introduction for Canadians.-Toronto/ Vancouver:Clarke,Irwin & Company Limited,1976.-IX,133p.,map.-bibliorg. pp.127-128.-Index:pp.129-133.
B 225-6, H 220
B 37-53
B-967 Bums, James MacGregor.
Government by the people: national, state, and local edition / J. M. Bums, J. W. Peltason, Thomas E. Cronin. - 9th ed.
- Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1975. - XIII, 876/88 p. : ill. - Bibliogr. and Ind. at the end of the book.
B 37-534	3495c
B 37-532.1 B-967
Bums, James MacGregor.
John Kennedy: a political profile. - New York : Avon Books Division, 1961. - 288 p.
B 37-532.1 B967	Bums, James MacGregor. The power of the lead. The crisis of the American presidency. - New York : Simon and Schuster, 1984. - 288 p. - Ind. : p. 275-288.
B37-8	6840c
B-967 Burns J.MacGr.
Presidential government.The crucible of leadership. Houghton Miffli: Company Boston,1975.
xxv, 366 p. Index: pp.355-366.
• nswr, 8
/33 7 ^3 2./
B 967 Burns J.M.
The workshop of democracy. -N.Y., 1986.-670 p.
B 33, B 34
fl 132
B-967 Burns R.D.
Arms control and disarmament: a bibliography. Santa Barbara, Oxford, ABC-Clio,Inc.,1977.
xv, 430 p.	Index:pp.395-430.
/3 37- 6 1,1 J
KO'.rfO', a -ff'
Pl 30
B 967
Burns,Richard. Dean
SALT,nonproliferation and nuclear weapons-free zones: an introduction to nuclear arms control and disarmament.
V,62 p. (Occasional paper N 6 by Richard Dean Burns)
II 30;B 37-64;
B 37-611.3
II 37
F 90-68
B-96? Burns Tom and Stalker G.M.
The management of innovation. Tavistock Publ.,1968.
XXII, 269 P.
/ 0 0	£'f
Z /- /
B 969
Burrell,Raymond E.
Strategic nuclear parity and NATO defense doctrine. Wash.»National de fense univ.,1978.
35 p. (National security affairs monograph series)
IIO;II 30;
B-969 Burrell R.M. and Cottrell Alvin J.
Iran,Afghanistan,Pakistan: tensions and dilemmas. Wash.,Beverly Hills,London,The Center for Strategic and International Studies,Sage Publications,1974.
68 p. (The Washington Papers. Vol.II,/No.20/).