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B 37-095 B-499	Bergsten, C. F. American multinationals and American interests / C. Fred Bergsten, Thomas Horst, Theodore H. Morgan. -
	Washington : Brookings Inst., 1978. -XIII, 535 p. - Ind.: p. 521-535.
r913;r980 r 431; T 930 r 984.1 f 926.3	4169c B 37-62 B 37-64 B 37-604 *
I 984.18 B-499
Bergsten C.F.
Completing the GATT: toward, new international rules to govern export controls. Wash.,The Biritish-North--American Committee,1974.
ix, 62 p.
r W
B-499 Bergsten C.F. a.o.
The reform of international institutions. N.Y.,The Trilateral Commissi on,1976.
VI,31 p. (The triangle papers: 11)
F50’z rw', ^3^-6//
7	. ,2091°
в'зТ-бА В 499 Bergsten,C.Fred. The treat from the third wprld.-
Wash.:The Brookings Insjf., 1973»-pp.102-124
В 37-64
Bergsten G.Fred and Gline William. R.
The United States-Japan economic problem. Wash.»Institute for International Economics,1987.
X, 172 p. (Policy analysis in international economics.13).
837-62; Г983
B 37-62
B 499
Bergsten,Fred C. a.o.
China: the balance sheet: what The world needs to know now about The emerging superpower.- N.Y., Public Affairs, 2006.- 206 p.
B 23/26
B 37-62
B 499
Bergsten,Fred C. a.o.
China: the balance sheet: what The world needs to know now about The emerging superpower.- N.Y., Public Affairs, 2006.- 206 p.
B 23/26
B 37 B-499
Bergsten, F. C.
The United States-Japan economic problem / F. C. Bergsten, W. R. Cline.
- Washington : Institute for International Economics, 1987. - 170 p.
Berke, Joseph. G.
Transfer of aeropace technology to selected, public sector areas of concer Monlo Pari, Calif., Stanford. Research Institute,1972.
39 P.
534 c
B-512 Berke, Nathan R.
Design for Noreign Policy. A Plan for Permanent Peace.-N.Y.: Exposition Press, 1969.-68 p.
B 36(6)
B—514 Berkowitz Marvin
The conversion of military-oriented research and development to civilian uses.Foreword by Seymour Melman. N.Y.a.o.»Praeger Publ.,1970.
XXIX, 649 p. Index: pp.629-649. (Praeger special studies in U.S.Economic and social development).
r9l5'5 K3Z3 K-3U;
A W soi'hwi;
B 37-6
B-513 Berkowitz, Morton.
The politics of American foreign policy. The social context of decisions I Morton Berkowitz, P.G. Bock, Vincento J. Fuc-cillo. - Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1977. - X, 310 p. - Ind. : p. 302-310.
B 36	6972c
B 514
Berle A. A.	.
Power without property . A new development in American political economy.- N.Y., A Harvest Book, 1959.-184p.
Г 61 Berliner,Joseph S.	.
B 515 The innovation decision in Soviet industry* ’ Ganïbr• ,Mass •—Lnd. ,MIT press,1976*
XII,561 p.	Bibliogr.p.54J-549.
Index p*551-561.
Г 61
E 35 Berman,Harold J.
B 516 The law of international trade S.l.,1977.
12,1386 p.
rrneH. ma pcTAnpMHTe.
E 35;B 37-62;B 37-64 F981 ;P 984.1	-