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B 262
Barnouw E.
Tube of Plenty: the evolution of American television. - N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1975. - 517 p.
675 d
B-265 Barone M., Ujifusa G.»Matthews D.
The Almanac of American Politics 1972. Boston, GAMBIT, 1972.
xxv, 1050 p.
fl 24
B—265 Barone №. a.o.
The almanac of American politics.The senators, the representatives - their records, states and districts.1974.
xxiii, 1240 p. Index: pp.1221-1240
5 29',
£ 24
B-265 Barone M.
The Almanac of American Politics 1976. The Senators, the Representatives, the Governors - their records, states, and districts. N.Y.,A sunrise Book, E.P. Button & Go.,Inc. ,197' xviii, 1054 p. Index: pp.io39‘ 1054.
25 B-265
The almanac of American politic 1980.
Barone M.,Ujifusa G..Matthews D.
The almanac of American politics 1980.-N.Y.,1979.
B-265 Barone Michael and Ujifusa Grant
The almanac of American politics.
1982. The Pres dent, the Senators, the representatives,the governors: their records and elections results, their states and districts. Wash., Barone & Company,1981.
lxix,1258 p. Index:pp.1244-1258.
fl 25
B-265 Barone Michael and. Ujifusa Grant
The Almanac of American politics 1984.The President,the Senators,the Representatives,the Governors: Their Records and Election Results,Their States and Districts. Wash.,Natio nal Journal,1984.
lxi,1402 p. Indexes:pp.1381-1401.
9 25; B37-8;
25	15208
B-265 Barone M. and Ujifusa G.
The almanac of American politics 1986. The President,the Senators,the Representatives,the Governors,Their records and election results, their states and districts. Wash.,Ratio nal Journal,1986.
Ixxxiii, 1593 p»
»25; B37-8; B37-53 2.2
$ 25
Barone Michael and Ujifusa Grant
The almanac of american politics 1988.The President, the Senators,the Representatives,the Governors: their records and election results, their states and districts. Wash.»National Journal,1987«
lxvi,1415 p.
>1 25 B 265
/o 16954
Barone M., UjifUsa G.
The almanac of American politics. 1990: The senators, the representatives and the governor: their records and election results, their states and districts. - Wash.: National Journal, 1990. - liii, 1482 p.
- Index: p. 1449-1480.
5I 25; B 37-8;
B 37-532.2
B-268 Barr J.J.
The dynasty.The rise and fall of social credit in Alberta. Toronto,Me Clelland and Stewart Limited,1974.
256 p. Index: pp.250-256.
/2Z) ^22,
/7 5
B-272 Barrera Mario
Modernization and coercion. Berkeley,Univ. of Calif.,1969«
vii, 58 p.
K 32	Barrett A.D.
B 274	Reappraising Defense Organization: an
analysis based on the Defense Organization Study of 1977-1980. - Washington: National Defense university press; Fort Lesley J. McNair, 1983.-325 p.
fl 30
B-274 Barrett Jane R. and Beaumont Jane
A bibliography of works on Canadian foreign relations 1976-1980. Carleton University,Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Norman Pa-înon0U Sch°o1 of International Affairs 1 > o 2 •
xii, 306 p.
fl30: B225-6 Ä	13834
Barrett, N.S.a.o.
Prices and wages in U.S. manufacturing.A factor analysis.By Nancy Smith Barrett, G.Gerardi, T.P.Hart. Lexington a.0.,Mass,Lexington Books, 1973.
xvii, 212 p.