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A-512 American political thought.Readings Ed,by L.I.^eterman and L.F.Wescchler. N.Y.»Meredith Corp.,1972. vi, 357 p.
/7 5 , £3? "?
A-512 American politics and. elections.
Selected, abstracts of periodical lite rature (1964-1968).Ed.by Lloyd W.Gar*-rison. Santa Barbara, Calif.,1968.
45 p.
B 37-5 A-512	American politics & public policy. Seven case studies / Ed. by Allan Sindler. - Washington : Congressional Quarterly, 1982.-IX, 256 p.
115	5907c
American populisn.Ed^selected ' and with introd.by George Menna. N.Y.,Putnan,1974. ■ .
xxv,325 p.
B 37 A-512	American POW/MIA’s in Southeast Asia. Hearing before the subcomm, on Asian and Pacific affairs of the committee on foreign affairs. House of repres. 97th congr., 2nd sess. - Washington : GPO, 1982. -64 p.
B 37-64 B 37-683	13908
B 37-532.1
American presidency. Principles and problem. In 3 vols. / Ed. by Kenneth W. Thompson. - Lanham : University Press of America, 1983.
-Vol. II-108 p.
- Vol. Ill - 97 p.
Vol. II - 6957c
Vol. Ill - 6958c
B37-64 A-512
American prisoners of war in Southeast Asia,1970.Hearings before the subcomm, on national security policy and scientific developments of the comm.on foreign affairs House of repres.91st congr.,2nd sess.-Wash.:GPO,1970.-IV,148 p.
B37-64 A-512
American prisoners of war in Southeast Asia,1971*Hearings before the subcomm, on national security policy and scientific developments of the comm.on foreign affairs.House of repres.92nd congr.,1st 1-3* -Wash.:GPO,1971.
IX,583 p VI,173 p VI,173 P
B 37-685 American prisoners of war in
A 5"12	South-East	Asia, 1970-1972.Hearings
before the	Subcomm.on nat.security
policy and	scientific developments
of the Comm.on foreign affairs... Wash.,GPO,1970-1972.
4 vol. (U.S.Congress,91,92. Sess.,1,2.).
B 57-685;B 57-64
c.c. <
American prisoners of war in Southeast Asia...
1970.	Apr.29,May 1,6,1970.	IV,143 p.
1971.	March 23,24,25,30,51;Apr.1,6,
20,1971.	13,583 u.
1971.	P.2.June 20,Aug.3,Sept.28,1971.
VI,173 p.
1972.	P.3.Feb.3,March 16,1972.
71,173 P.
A-512 American productivity: key to economic strength and national survival. Report of the subcomm.on priorities and economy in government of the Joint econ.comm. July 3,1972. Wash. ,GPO,197i 1972.
9 p. (92 congr.,2d sess.).
A-512 American public administration: past, present,future.Ed.by F.G.Mosher University,Ala.,The University of Alabama Press,1975« xiii,298 p.	Index:pp.291-298.
/73^ 637'33
B 37-0 A-512	American public policy. Documents and essays / Ed. by Thomas R. Dye. - Columbus, Ohio : Charles E. Marrill Publ. Co., 1969.-XII, 588 p.
T 926 B 37-6; £38 B 37-22; K 34 B 37-496.0 B 37-298 £35; £345 B 37-280	1166 •
ft 11 A-512
American Reference Books Annual.In 2vls.Ed.by Bohdan S.Wynar. Littleton, Golo.,Libraries Unlmtd,Inc.,1970.
Vol.1.General Reference.Social Sci-enc e s.Hi s t ory.Ec onomics.Business.
XVII, 205 p. Index: pp.185-205.
Vol.2.Fine Arts.Human!ties.Science and Engineering. XIV,210 p. Index: pp.186-210.
fl//’, /1/32 ;
$ 25
A-512 The American register of exporters and importers.1979 ed. N.Y.»American Register of Exporters and Importers Corporation,1979*
VIII.850 p.