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r 94
A-512 American agriculture.The changing structure.Ed, with an introd, by Wyn F. Owen. Lexington,Mass.,D.C.Heath 8» Co. 1969.
vii, 152 p.
£ rah
IT 6 A 512
American and Soviet society:a reader in comparative sociology and perception. 3d.by Paul Hollander. Englewood Cliffs IT. J., Prentice-Hall, 1969.
XVIII,589 p.
IT 6
A-512 American, architects directory.Ed.by G.S.Koyl.Ed.2-d. Published under the sponsorship of American Institute of Architects. N.Y.,R.R.Bowker Company,1962 919 P.
B 37-611.2
A-512	American arms and a changing Europe.
Dilemmas of deterrence and disarmament / Warner R. Shilling, William T. R. Fox, Catherine M. Kelleher, Donald J. Puchala.
- New York - London : Columbia University Press, 1973. - IX, 218 p. - Ind. : p. 205-218.
H 30	2457c
K321 A-512
The American Assembly: 1983-1984.
Report of...	N.Y., 1984.
15 P.
A-512 American Association for the Advancement of Science.Officers,organi zation,and activities,1970.	Wash.,
140 p.
fl 25
A-512 American Bank Directory.Fall edition 197S. Vols.I-II. Nocross, Georgia, McFadden Business Publications, 1978.
Vol. I. ALA.-MISS.	Pag.var.
Vol. II. MO. -WYO.	Pag.var.
A-512 -American, bank directory,Spring ed, -1969*	Atlanta,Georgia,McFadden Bu
siness Publ,,1969.
5696 p.
A-512 -American Bar Association.Section of in surance,negligence and compensation law.
Proceedings.Honolulu,Hawaii Aug.7» 1967 to Philadelphia,Pennsylvania Aug, 5 1968. Chicago,American Bar Center, /1968/.
727 p, - roster of members.
Г 984 А-512	American books abroad. Tov/ard a national policy.bd.by • Childs and D.E.McNeil. Wash., Height Reid educat.foundat. KIII,3O9P. Index pp.304-309. Bibliogr.pp.296-299-
Г 984 Г 936	7109c
B 37-53 A-512	American bureaucracy. Ed. by Warren G. Bennis. - Chicago: Aldine Publ. Co., 1970.-X, 187 p.
H5	2139
B 37-095 A-512	The American business corporation. New perspectives on profit and purpose / Ed. by Eli Goldston, a. o. - Cambridge, Massachusetts - London, England : The MIT Press, 1972. - VIII, 357 p. - Ind. : p. 346-357.
T913	5039
American Civil Liberties Union
Annual report.1977.	N.Y.,Arne
rican Civil Liberties Union,1973.
35 p.
fl 25.1
A-512 American civilization.A portrait from the twentieth century.Ed.by D.J. Boorstin.	N.Y.,McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
552 p. Index: pp. 54-5-552.
512 . The American college dictionary.Ed in Chief C.L.Barnhart.Managing Ed.Jess Stein. N.Y.,1960.
1444 p.