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B 37-612
A-436	Alliance and defense capabilities in
Europe. Hearings before the subcomm, on conventional forces and alliance defence of the comm, on armed services U.S. Senate. 100th congr., 1st sess.
- Washington : GPO, 1988. - 388 p.
B 37-612	16749
- ■
B 37-61 1.2
B 37-61.1	A
Allison G.,Coté Jr.
Avoiding Nuclear- Anarchy.
Containing the Treat of Loose Russian Nuclear Weapons and Fissile
Material.USA, 1995
A-438 Allison Graham T.
Essence of decision.Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis. -Boston: Little, Brown and Company,1971.--XII, 338 p.-Index:pp.330-338.
B37-64; I"] 354
B 37-6
Allison, Graham T.
Bureaucratie politics: a paradigm and some policy implications / Graham T. Allison, M. H. Halperin. - Washington : The Brookings Institution, 1972. - p. 40-79
B 37-6
A-438 Allison, Graham.
Remaking foreign policy: the organization connection / G. Allison, P. Szanton.
- New York : Basic Books, Publishers, 1976.-238 p.
P-616 Pierce Ri.J.,Jr., Allison G.D., Martin P.H.
Economic regulation: energy, transportation and utilities. Gases and materials. Indianapolis, New York, Charlottesville, Virginia, The Michie Company The Bobbs-Merrill Company,Inc.,Publishers,1980.
xxxv,	1200 p.
B 37-64
A-438 Allison, Graham T.
Essence of decision. Explaining the Cuban missile crisis. - Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1971. - XII, 338 p. -Ind.: p. 330-338.
A11ison»Graham T. and Halperin,M.H.
Bureaucratic politics: a paradigm and some policy implications.By Graham T.Allison and Morton H.Halperin. Wash The Brookings Inst.,1972.
39 P.

A-438 Allison Roy
Military forces in the Soviet successor states.:An analysis of the military policies, force disponsitions and evolving threat perceptions of the former Soviet states.-L.:The Brassey’s Ltd
for The Internationla Institute for Stra-tectic Studies,1993»-86 p.-(Adelphi Paper 280).	B0
A-441 Allocation, of resources in the Soviet Union and China - 1987.Hearings before the subcomm. on National Securit ty economics of the Joint economic committee Congress of the U.S.100th Congr.,2nd sess.Part 13.-Wash.:GPO. 1989.
P. 13.190 p.
Allocation of resources in the Soviet Union and China.Hearing before th subcomm.on priorities and economy in government of the Joint econ.comm.••. 93 congr.,2d sess.April 12,1974. Wasj GPO,1974.
v, 81 p.
1	Allocation of resouces in the
A 44-1 Soviet Union and China-1977.Hearings "before the Subcomm.on priorities and economy in government of the Joint economic comm.P.1-2. Wash., GP0,1977i
2 vol. (U.S.Congress).
P.1.June 23,1977* 1977. 62 p. P.2.June 30,1977. 1977. 93 p.
A	3647;3648
rei	R
r 60
A 441
Allocation of resources in the Soviet Union and China: Hearings before the Subcomm. on national security economics and the Subcomm, on technoligy and national security of the Joint econ.comm. Congr. of the United States.101st Congr.,1st sess.
- Wash.: GPO, 1990. - 220 p.
T60; F61; r 62
I' 61 Allocation of resources in the
A 441 Soviet Union and China-1931* Hearings before the Subconun. on intern, trade, finance, and security of the Joint econ.conn i. Congr.of the U.S. P.7* </ash. , GPO, 1932.
1 vol. (U.S.Congr.)
Allocation of resources in the Soviet union and China-198'1.
P.7. Executive sessions. July 8 and Oct.15,1981.	1982.	294 p.