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І= Chioe 1952-19555
Greek Emporio.	/London/»Thames and
ft Hudson,1§67*	„	__ _ .-e.
pUv	XIV,258 p.with ilt.plan» 55 l*ill»₽l«
(The British school of archaeology at
3- Athens. Suppl •vol.И 6).	_____
На корешке загл. : Chios:Greer Emporio.
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XII,404 S.mit Ill.,15 Taf.111.
Olympia.Das Fest und seine Stätte. Nach den Berichten der Alten und den Ergebnissen der Deutschen Ausgrabungen 2.durchges.und erw.Aufl. Berlin, Springer,1886.
XII,420 S.mit Ill.,19 Bl.Ill.
Ё лЧ Bon,Anne-Marie et Bon,Antoine.
Les Timbres amphoriques de Thasos. Catalogue établi avec la collab.de V.
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542 p.qvec ill. (Ecole franç. d’Athènes.Études thasiennes.4).
Le Trésor de Gyrene â Delphes.
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112 p.avec.ill- (Université de (Par is.Faculté des lettres).
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Avec la collab.de J.Foraine. 1952. 51 f.ill.
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Studies in Fifth-Sentury Attic Epigraphy. - 1973. - MO p.
British museum.London.Department of Bri HK tish and mediaeval antiquities.
A guide to the antiquities of the ' early iron age of Central and Western Europe (incl. the British Late-Keltic pe-" riod) in the Department of British and ' mediaeval antiquities. /Oxford/,1905* XII,158 p.with ill.;4 l.ill.
V Ind.:p.155-158.
British, school of archaeology at Athens.
Annual report of the Managing committee...	/London,1942-JV	/.
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Reprinted from the Journal of
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Описано по об л.
for the session 1946-1947.-Archaeology in Greece,1945-1947.By J.M.Cook. 1947.	34 p.with ill.;l 1.111.
for the session 1947-1948.-Archaeology in Greece,1947-1948.By J.M.Cook. /1948/.	32 p.with ill.jl l.ill.
for the session 1948-1949.-Archaeology in Greece,1948-1949.By J.M.Cook. /1949/.	38 p.with ill.;2 l.ill.

vide a.c.
for the session 1949-1950.-Archaeо logy in Greece, 1949-1950.By J.M.Cook. /1950/.	51 p.with ill.jl l.ill.
for the session 1950-1951.-Archaeo logy in Greece,1950-1951. By J.M.Cook. /1951/. 60 p.with ill.jl l.ill.
for the session 1951-1952.-Archaeo logy in Greece,I95I-I952.By J.M.Cook. /1952/. 56 p.with ill.;2 l.ill.
vide a.c.
for the session 1952-1953.-Archaeology in Greece 1952-1953.By J.M.Cook, and J.Boardman. /1954/. 64 p.with ill.?2 l.ill.
for the session 1953-1954.-Archaeology in Greece,1954. By M.S.F.Hood. /1954/.	62 p.with ill.;2 l.ill.
Brueckner, Alfred
Polyklets Knöchelwerfer. Siebenundsiebzigstes Winckelmannsprogramm der Ar-chaeologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter & 0° 1920.
25 S mit ill., I Taf.ill.“
Griechische Kunstgeschichte. München,Verl.-Anst.für Kunst und Wiss.,1895«
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Structure and History in Greek --- Mythology and Ritual. - London, 1979» 226 S., Fig.
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Bumouf, Émile.
La ville et L’Acropole d’Athè-mes aux diverses époques.	Paris,
11,215 P.21 Ill.