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Archaeological site manual : Part 1 - The Written Record. - London, 1980. - 47 p.
Museum of London: Department of Urban Archaeology. Publications 2
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Methode und Hilfsmittel der Erforschung der vorhistorischen Zeit in der-Vergangenheit der Slaven.Vom Verf.verm ЕЕ 32.3 deutsche Ausg.Aus dem Polnischen übers.
-von W.Osterloff 1902.
VI,144 b.
Bohmess,A. and Wouters,Aq.
Statistics and graphs in the study of flint assemblages.
38 p.,6 fig.,1 map, 2 pl. (Reprinted from palaeohistoria,v.5)•
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Bowen, R. The 1958. 143	,N.C. exploration of time. New York, p.,40 fig.
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|£c Wa Archeologists and what they do.
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■^0 Analytical archaeology. Lon-
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С-С Cornwall ,1 .W.
1	Soils for the archaeologist.
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9 p. (Pour la Revue archéologique, 1966,rubrique "Documents").
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Uwagi о badaniu stanowisk wielowar-stwowych* Poznan Pols.towarz.prehisto-rycznegot19^9»
66 s.,17 ryc.(Zeszyty prehistorycz-ne N 2).

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Creneo trigonometria. La Habana 1964.
157 p.,diagr. z( Depart ament о de antropologia Comision Nacionalzde la Academia de Ciencias de la Republica de Cuba) .
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