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Archaeology : Making of and practice. - Studies in honor of Mircea Babes at his 70-th anniversary. -Pitesti : Ordessos, 2011.- 387 s.: fig.
Archaeology of Armenia in regional context : Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Held on September 15 - 17, 2009 in Yerevan. - Yerevan: GITUTYUN, 2012. - 236 pil.
Archaeology of Caucasus: new discoveries and perspectives. International Scientific Session : Abstracts of Papers Tbilisi, 1997» - 89S.
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The Archaeology of the Steppes.
Methods and Strategiesà:Papers fro the International Symposium held in Naples 9-12 November 1992. - Napoli, 1994. 730 S., Pig. - Istituto Universitario Orientale. Series Minor XLIV,
Archaeometallurgy in the Central Europe /Vychodosiovensky Pravek. Speciel Issue. - hitra-Kosice, 1999» - 2293., Fig., Tah.

The Archaeometallurgy of iron. Recent Developments in Archaeological and Scientific Research: Dedicated to R.Pleiner. - Praha: Archeologickÿ ustav AV ČR, 2011. -318 s.: ill.
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Die archaische Poros Architektur der Akropolis zu Athen.Mit Unterstützung aus der Eduard Gerhard-Stiftung der königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.Herausgegeben von Theodor Wiegand unter Mitwirkung von W.DoerpfeldjE. Gillié ron,H.Schrade r,C.Wat z inge r und W.Wilberg.-Text.	Cassel-
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